Signs of aging aren’t limited to the face. They can melt into the neck area, creating crepey skin, the dreaded “turkey neck,” and prominent platysma muscle bands. This is why Dr. Adam Stein may recommend a facelift/neck lift combination, so turning back the clock is more complete.

How Does a Facelift Combined with a Neck Lift Work?

The last thing you want is the aged look of your neck giving away that you’ve had a facelift. A combined facelift with neck lift ensures the continuity and balance of your appearance, showcasing your best self through and through. The procedures address both skin laxity and the SMAS layer of musculature which supports your facial tissues. Time and lost collagen mean your tissues migrate downward, creating jowls, deepening nasolabial folds, and loosening skin of the neck. The platysma muscles, which begin at your upper chest and run to the hinge of your jaw, can also weaken, becoming prominent bands running vertically up your neck.

Facelift Raleigh

*Individual Results May Vary 

 During your facelift and neck lift procedures, Dr. Stein carefully modifies the position of your muscles, removes or remodels fat pads to restore youthful volume, and removes excess skin to give you a firmer, more youthful appearance. Every patient’s unique facial structure means your combined lifts are highly customized. Dr. Stein’s skill and aesthetic talent combined with nearly 20 years of specialization in facial and neck surgeries ensure your results are natural, emphasizing your most striking features and restoring your appearance to a younger baseline.

Am I a Good Candidate?

Patients most satisfied with their facelift and neck lift results are those in general good health who don’t smoke and have realistic expectations of what these procedures can do for them. During your consultation, Dr. Stein thoroughly evaluates your facial anatomy with your goals and together, you’ll design a treatment plan to maximize your outcome.

What is the Combined Facelift and Neck Lift Procedure Like?

Your facelift and neck lift will be performed in the Stein Plastic Surgery accredited state-of-the-art surgical suite on an outpatient basis, so you’ll be ready to recover in the comfort of your home the same day. Because every patient is distinctive in what techniques will best achieve their goals, no two facelifts and neck lifts are alike, so the length of the procedure can vary.

 Once you’re comfortable, the anesthesia is administered and Dr. Stein begins. The incisions are typically made in the hairline, navigating around and ending in the hairline behind the ears. Using advanced surgical techniques to minimize tissue trauma and ease your recovery, Dr. Stein sculpts your features, lifting muscles and remodeling or removing fat pads to volumize cheeks and diminish jowls. Once he’s pleased with the position of your tissues, he’ll remove excess skin and close your incisions. You’ll awaken with bandages and support garments to help preserve his careful work and protect your wounds for proper healing. Before you’re released, you’ll receive thorough aftercare instructions to reduce risk of complications and ease your recovery.

Facelift Consultations Available!

What Results Can I Expect?

Some swelling and bruising is completely normal, so when you first see yourself, don’t panic if your appearance is startling. Even through this swelling, you may notice improved skin tightness and a more graceful neck and jawline. As healing progresses, your youthful features will emerge. Your face and neck will appear years younger, with tighter, smoother skin, diminished lines and wrinkles, and a more defined jawline and neck. By resetting your age clock, you should enjoy your results for years to come.

“I was referred to Dr Stine by an anesthetist and I’m so happy with the process and results. Dr. Stine was so responsive and supportive post op answering if this or that was normal. I feel the results are natural and becoming.” *

Take the Next Step

Ready to learn more about a combined facelift with neck lift? Schedule a consultation with Dr. Stein at Stein Plastic Surgery based in Raleigh, NC today! Simply fill out the form on this page or give us a call at (919) 261-7099.

 *Individual results may vary.