

112, 2023

How Many Chemical Peels Are Needed to See Results?

December 1st, 2023|Chemical Peels|

Chemical peels are among the most effective, versatile treatment options available. They work by chemically removing outer layers of skin to a controlled depth, resulting in smoother, brighter skin. Chemical peels can address a wide range of concerns, from pigmentation issues to fine lines and wrinkles.  What is a Chemical Peel? Chemical peels are facial treatments that usually contain acids such as salicylic, glycolic, and trichloroacetic acids. The most intensive type of peel uses phenol, also known as carbolic acid. This powerful procedure is performed by Dr. Stein under general anesthesia [...]

1111, 2023

Is Open Rhinoplasty Safe?

November 11th, 2023|Rhinoplasty|

Are you tired of looking in the mirror and seeing a nose that bothers you or does not suit your features? Rhinoplasty corrects issues with shape, symmetry, and many other concerns to help you achieve your desired nose. Rhinoplasty can achieve facial balance to give your features an overall harmony.  What is Open Rhinoplasty? Rhinoplasty comes in several forms, depending on your needs. A surgeon may choose to use an open or closed procedure. While a closed rhinoplasty uses no external incisions, it does not allow Dr. Stein as much access [...]

111, 2023

Am I a Candidate for Laser Skin Resurfacing?

November 1st, 2023|Laser Skin Resurfacing|

If your skincare routine has not helped your skin’s texture and tone, it might be time to consider laser skin resurfacing. This procedure triggers your skin’s natural healing process to smooth lines and wrinkles while improving dark spots and sun damage. It can be customized to meet your needs and goals.  What is Laser Skin Resurfacing? People who want smoother, firmer skin can often benefit from laser skin resurfacing. Your Stein Plastic Surgery team offers MicroLaserPeel®,  an advanced ablative laser that rejuvenates the skin. Laser skin resurfacing typically removes the outer [...]

2110, 2023

How Painful is a Facelift?

October 21st, 2023|Facelift|

Lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin might make you consider a facelift. This procedure, also called a rhytidectomy, lifts and tightens for a more youthful appearance. People often worry that a surgical procedure like a facelift will be painful. Fortunately, what you have imagined is probably much worse than the reality.  What is a Facelift (Rhytidectomy)? Collagen loss, sun damage, and other factors can lead to many signs of aging. A rhytidectomy or facelift corrects these signs of aging to restore your more lifted, youthful look. A facelift is a surgical procedure [...]

1110, 2023

How Long Does Chin Augmentation Take to Heal?

October 11th, 2023|Chin Augmentation|

Your chin is one of the features that frames and gives shape to your face. A strong chin enhances the jaw and makes the neck look slimmer. If you feel like you have a small or weak chin, you might be a candidate for chin augmentation. This procedure places an implant to provide lasting shape and definition.  What is Chin Augmentation? Chin augmentation is a surgical procedure that places an implant in your chin to give it projection and strength. Some people who feel like their nose is too large find [...]

1010, 2023

3 Tips for Recovery After an Eyelid Lift

October 10th, 2023|Blepharoplasty|

Many factors contribute to aging in the eye area. Drooping eyelids and puffy undereye bags can make you look tired or even sad. An eyelid lift or blepharoplasty rejuvenates the upper or lower eyelids. This procedure helps you achieve a bright-eyed, youthful look.  What is an Eyelid Lift or Blepharoplasty? The eye area often shows signs of aging sooner than the rest of the face. An eyelid lift or blepharoplasty can address concerns such as sagging, wrinkles, crepey skin, and undereye bags. This procedure can be performed on the upper, lower, [...]

3009, 2023

What is Recovery Like After a Neck Lift?

September 30th, 2023|Neck Lift|

We often neglect the neck and area under the chin until they start to show signs of aging. Sagging skin can make your neck area look older and obscure the shape of your chin and jawline. A neck lift firms loose skin, removes fat and tightens muscles for a more sculpted neck.  What is a Neck Lift? A neck lift restores the contours of the neck area by removing loose skin and fat. This procedure can address concerns such as skin laxity, submental (under the chin) fat, and loose skin along [...]

1009, 2023

How Can I Tighten My Lower Eyelids?

September 10th, 2023|Blepharoplasty, Eyelid Surgery|

Signs of aging can affect the delicate eye area long before you are ready for them. The skin under your eyes may start to droop, and you may notice puffy eye bags that make you look tired. A blepharoplasty or lower eyelid lift can restore a tighter, smoother under-eye area. This procedure helps you look brighter and more alert.  How Can I Tighten My Lower Eyelids? While skincare products can improve the appearance of minor under-eye concerns, sagging or drooping skin and eye bags can only be treated surgically. An eyelid [...]

3008, 2023

Does Skin Age Faster After a Facelift?

August 30th, 2023|Facelift|

Your skin often suffers the most from aging, or at least the most visibly. A facelift primarily addresses deeper signs of aging in your face's foundational muscles and tissues, so you might wonder how it affects your skin. How Does a Facelift Work? A facelift (rhytidectomy) tightens sagging skin and facial muscles, reducing jowls and skin laxity. As your facial muscles weaken and stretch with age, your youthful facial contours begin to droop. Anti-aging treatments for your skin can do very little for these effects. Rhytidectomy, on the other hand, addresses [...]

2008, 2023

What’s the Best Age for Blepharoplasty?

August 20th, 2023|Blepharoplasty|

As you age, your skin gets thinner and less elastic, and the muscles around your eyes weaken and stretch. The inevitable result is drooping eyelids and under-eye bags. If these signs of aging are starting to bother you, it might be time for an eyelid lift. What is Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery)? Blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, addresses signs of aging around the eyes. Commonly called an eyelid lift, this procedure improves sagging, excess skin, wrinkles, puffiness, and eye bags.  Your eyes are one of your most unique and expressive features. Unfortunately, aging [...]

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