As you age the skin and soft tissues around your eyes lose elasticity causing the brows to droop. A brow lift, or forehead rejuvenation, is a cosmetic procedure that can erase years from your face by reducing the wrinkle lines across the forehead and frown lines between the eyes. The procedure also improves the area around the eyes by raising sagging brows that are hooding the upper eyelids.

As a double-board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Stein has performed thousands of these procedures over the years. A brow lift can be done alone or combined with other facial procedures, such as eyelid surgery, to boost your self-confidence and restore a refreshed, more youthful appearance.

Brow Lift Raleigh, Nc

*Individual Results May Vary 

What Is Involved In The Procedure?

Brow lift surgeries are typically completed within 1-2 hours using one of three methods. A coronal brow lift involves an incision behind your hairline, from ear to ear on the top of your head. Your forehead is then lifted into its new position. This technique is not usually done on patients with high hairlines, thin hair, or those likely to lose their hair.

In a hairline brow lift, your surgeon makes an incision between the top of your forehead and hairline to remove a small amount of skin. Your hairline is not pulled back with this method.

Dr. Stein uses an advanced, minimally invasive technique called an endoscopic brow lift in which tiny incisions behind the hairline are made, resulting in minimal, well-concealed scarring. Additional benefits of this method include less swelling, faster recovery times, and natural-looking results.

How Should I Prepare for My Surgery?

Prior to your procedure, you may be asked to get lab testing or a medical evaluation. You should avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, and other supplements as they can increase bleeding and bruising. You should also stop smoking prior to the procedure. You will need to have a friend or family member drive you to and from surgery, as well as stay with you overnight following your procedure.

Brow Lift Consultations Available!

What Happens During My Surgery?

During your procedure, you will be put under general anesthesia for your comfort. Dr. Stein will use the endoscopic method to make tiny incisions that allow him to adjust the muscle beneath your skin and correct the source of visible creases and furrows in your forehead.

What Happens After My Surgery?

Following an endoscopic brow lift, most patients can return to non-strenuous work within 7-10 days and resume exercise after 2 weeks. Patients typically enjoy full results within 1-2 months.

Is A Brow Lift Right For Me?

The best way to know if a brow lift is right for you is to schedule a consultation with Stein Plastic Surgery. Dr. Stein is double-board certified and performs hundreds of brow lifts every year. He will discuss your medical history, aesthetic goals, and lifestyle before recommending a customized course of treatment.

I came to see Dr. Stein to correct my sagging neck and cheek line skin. During the consultation appointment, he actually suggested that I have eyebrow and forehead lift I’m so very glad that I listened to him!! I am thrilled with the results! I can now put mascara on w/o lifting my upper brow and can look in the mirror with confidence rather than with the discouragement I felt prior to surgery. I feel like I look similar to how I looked in my 30’s! Dr. Stein and his staff have been so supportive, encouraging and professional throughout the entire experience. I would recommend Dr. Stein to anyone considering facial plastic surgery.

Take the Next Step

Ready to learn more about looking years-younger with a Brow Lift? Schedule a consultation with Dr. Stein at Stein Plastic Surgery based in Raleigh, NC today! Simply fill out the form on this page or give us a call at (919) 261-7099.

*Individual Results May Vary.