The effects of time, sun damage, and environmental exposures gradually affect your skin. Collagen production decreases, and your skin loses firmness and develops lines and wrinkles. A facelift undoes the effects of aging by lifting the skin and underlying structures. You may wonder if you are the right age for a facelift, but the answer depends on you.

What is a Facelift or Rhytidectomy?

Rhytidectomy is the formal name for a facelift. This procedure tightens loose skin to smooth lines and wrinkles while restoring youthful shape and definition. A facelift produces its most dramatic results in the mid and lower face, lifting and firming the cheeks, jawline, and deep creases around the mouth and nose. 

Facelift Raleigh

*Individual Results May Vary 

How Does a Facelift Work?

Dr. Stein has decades of experience performing rhytidectomy and performs over 100 of them yearly. He begins the procedure with incisions hidden around the ears or hairline, resulting in little to no visible scarring. He removes excess skin, then tightens the skin and muscle to restore your features to a more youthful look. 

What is the Best Age for a Facelift?

There is no “best age” for a facelift. The right age for you to get a facelift depends on several factors, including:

  • The severity of your lines, wrinkles, and skin laxity
  • Whether non-surgical treatments will give you the results you want
  • How self-conscious you feel about your appearance
  • Whether you feel prepared for a surgical procedure
  • If now is a good time in your life for several weeks of recovery time

People who choose to have a facelift are often in their late 40s, 50s, or 60s. Dr. Stein will discuss your concerns and expectations to determine whether a facelift is a good decision for you now. People younger or older than the typical age can still benefit from a facelift under the right circumstances. 

What is Recovery Like From a Facelift?

You can expect bruising and swelling after surgery, especially in the first three to five days. These should start to resolve within the first week, and you should look and feel much better in about two weeks. Many people can return to work after two weeks. Strenuous activity should wait until approved by Dr. Stein during your follow-up visits. 

Facelift Consultations Available!

What Results Will I See After a Facelift?

You will notice a difference almost immediately, but swelling will keep you from seeing your full results for the first few days. As the swelling improves, you can appreciate your youthful look. Results will continue to evolve for up to six months. Most people find that their rhytidectomy results last ten to fifteen years or even longer

Am I a Good Candidate for a Facelift?

Almost all healthy adults with significant skin laxity are good facelift candidates. Rhytidectomy is an effective treatment for those who want to address moderate to severe lines, wrinkles, and sagging. Only a consultation with Dr. Stein can determine whether you are a good candidate. 

Dr. Stein provided excellent outcomes. The resulted look natural and are consistent with what was explained before the surgery. I recommend Dr. Stein to everyone.

Take the Next Step

Are you interested in a facelift? If you would like to schedule an in-person consultation, please fill out the form on this page or call (919) 261-7099, and one of our knowledgeable medical staff members at Stein Plastic Surgery will reach out to you promptly.

Stein Plastic Surgery is located in the Raleigh, Durham, and Southeast NC areas serving patients.