The prominence of the nose makes many people feel self-conscious about it. As the center of the face, it draws attention, which can make you feel like any flaw or imbalance becomes magnified. Rhinoplasty can bring your nose into balance with your other features and help you feel more confident. 

Raleigh Rhinoplasty

*Individual Results May Vary 

How Does a Rhinoplasty Work?

With his mastery of the procedure and his artistry in creating aesthetically pleasing noses, Dr. Adam Stein, a double board-certified plastic surgeon with 26 years of experience, can give you the best possible rhinoplasty results. 

For many procedures, especially those that involve more subtle changes, Dr. Stein will use a closed rhinoplasty technique. This allows him to disguise all incisions inside the nose. This method works well for people who want more minor adjustments and also want faster recovery. It does limit the surgeon’s access to some parts of the nose. 

For more major changes, Dr. Stein may use an open rhinoplasty. This involves a small incision hidden under the nostrils and allows the surgeon to access the structures of the nose. If achieving the desired result requires significant reshaping of cartilage or bone, this technique may give you superior results. 

Why is my Nose Crooked?

You may have a crooked nose for several reasons. Some people have a crooked nose from birth. Others may have had an accident or injury to the nose that caused trauma. Injury can distort the nasal cartilage and even bone to leave you with a crooked nose. Only a rhinoplasty can restore it to straightness once the nose has healed in a crooked position. 

What Types of Rhinoplasty are There?

A rhinoplasty can be performed for several reasons, including correcting a crooked nose. Depending on whether your crooked nose affects your breathing, you may need either a cosmetic or functional rhinoplasty. 

Rhinoplasty Consultations Available!

Cosmetic Rhinoplasty

A cosmetic rhinoplasty improves the appearance of your nose. Whether you would like an adjustment in the size, shape, or other aspects of your nose, this type of rhinoplasty can produce the results you desire. 

Functional Rhinoplasty

A functional rhinoplasty will restore normal breathing for people who have difficulty breathing through the nose due to structural issues. Insurance may cover part of this procedure since breathing through your nose improves your health. 

Revision Rhinoplasty

Dr. Stein has the experience and skill to perform revision rhinoplasty. This procedure adjusts the results of a previous rhinoplasty, requiring the surgeon to work around scar tissue and changes made during the past surgery. People may have revision rhinoplasty because they do not like their results or because they would like a different look for their nose. 

Ethnic Rhinoplasty

This form of rhinoplasty makes subtle changes to the nose while enhancing and preserving a person’s unique ethnic beauty. Dr. Stein can help you achieve the look you want for your nose without losing your ethnic identity. 

“I was referred to Dr Stine by an anesthetist and I’m so happy with the process and results. Dr. Stine was so responsive and supportive post op answering if this or that was normal. I feel the results are natural and becoming.” *

Take the Next Step

Are you interested in rhinoplasty? Schedule a consultation with Dr. Stein at Stein Plastic Surgery based in Raleigh, NC today! Simply fill out the form on this page or give us a call at (919) 261-7099.

*Individual results may vary.