When your at-home skincare routine or non-surgical procedures no longer keep your eye area looking youthful, it may be time to consider an eyelid lift or blepharoplasty. This procedure rejuvenates…
Do sagging eyelids or puffy undereye bags make you look tired or affect your confidence? An eyelid lift restores your alert, youthful eyes and boosts your confidence. This procedure can…
Your eyelid skin is thin and delicate. Factors like loss of collagen cause it to thin even more and lead to drooping lids and undereye bags. If you are seeking…
Signs of aging can affect the delicate eye area long before you are ready for them. The skin under your eyes may start to droop, and you may notice puffy…
As you age, your skin gets thinner and less elastic, and the muscles around your eyes weaken and stretch. The inevitable result is drooping eyelids and under-eye bags. If these…
Your eyes are one of your most expressive features, and you may miss their youthful brightness as time passes and age takes its toll. If your eyelids have started to…
Our eyes not only allow us to see the world but also portray our facial expressions and emotions. Many people's eyelids begin to sag and bulge as they grow older,…
Your eyes are one of your most expressive features and, unfortunately, one of the first areas to show signs of aging. Sagging or drooping eyelids can create a tired or…
Sagging or drooping eyelids can create a tired or angry appearance. This excess skin may even make it challenging to apply makeup or, in some cases, affect your vision. Dr.…
There are many reasons men and women may opt for eyelid correction. Whether you’re unhappy with the aesthetic appearance of your eyes or have functional problems due to sagging lids,…