A graceful, elegant neckline is considered a mark of youth, and the neck can be the first area to show our true age.  Dr. Adam Stein can keep you defying the number of candles on your birthday cake with a neck lift, so your age is just a number that doesn’t define you.

How Does a Neck Lift Work?

A neck lift does more than correct skin laxity. It can address jowls and tighten the platysma muscles extending from the upper chest to the jaw, which can become prominent with age. Through small incisions near the ear, Dr. Stein begins by repositioning underlying tissues of your jawline and neck to smooth away jowls and lower facial drooping. Next, he’ll tighten weakened platysma muscles, and only then will he remove excess skin to reduce laxity and correct skin “crepiness.” In some cases, liposuction may be advisable to remove submental fat (below the chin) for a more pleasing, graceful neck profile. The result is a sculpted jawline and neck, turning back the clock by years in a single procedure. For some patients, combining a neck lift with chin augmentation will achieve good facial balance.

Am I a Good Candidate for a Neck Lift?

Every patient is unique, so the type of neck lift performed may vary. The best candidates are men and women who are non-smokers in general good health. If you’re bothered by your neck’s appearance, a consultation with Dr. Stein is a great place to start.

5 Tips for Neck Lift Recovery

While recovery varies by patient, you can ease your comfort during recuperation.

 1. Arrange for transportation and help the first day. 

You won’t be up for driving home, and a loved one arranging your meals and medications can be a mental relief as well as a physical one. Having company can help distract from your discomfort as well.

 2. Prepare your home for recovery. 

You won’t feel up to doing much at first, so it’s wise to create a comfortable place to rest before your procedure. This may include stocking your kitchen with soft foods or pre-made meals, filling any prescriptions you’ll require, and making a “nest” on the bed or on your sofa. Keeping restful entertainment, such as books or the TV remote, close by can also help keep you comfortable and occupied.

 3. Sleep with your head elevated and follow pain management directions. 

This helps minimize swelling and improves blood circulation. Avoid putting pressure on your neck by taking care of how you lie down. Follow Dr. Stein’s instructions about the use of ice packs so as not to risk compromising blood flow to your neck. Ice can help with pain, but do not sleep with an ice pack to preserve the integrity of your skin.

 4. Listen to your body and rest when needed. 

Your body uses all its energy for healing, so expending too much too soon saps that energy and prolongs your recovery time. Being somewhat mobile helps reduce the risk of clotting, but don’t overdo it. This is also why you should not return to work until you feel ready, which may require up to 2 weeks.

5. Avoid strenuous exercise, steamy showers or baths, and the sun for a few weeks. 

You may feel up for light exercises, such as a short walk, but it’s not recommended to resume an exercise routine for at least 2 weeks. Steam from a hot bath or shower can hinder wound healing, as can sun exposure. Taking care of your skin will improve your overall results and how pleased you are with your neck lift overall.

“I was referred to Dr Stine by an anesthetist and I’m so happy with the process and results. Dr. Stine was so responsive and supportive post op answering if this or that was normal. I feel the results are natural and becoming.” *

Take the Next Step

Ready to learn more about a neck lift? Schedule a consultation with Dr. Stein at Stein Plastic Surgery based in Raleigh, NC today! Simply fill out the form on this page or give us a call at (919) 261-7099.

 *Individual results may vary.