A weak or under-defined chin can result in a less than ideal profile. There are many ways to improve your appearance, but chin implants may be your best option. With 26 years of experience and double certification in facial plastic surgery, Dr. Stein performs natural-looking chin augmentation procedures to help many patients reach their cosmetic goals. 

What is Chin Augmentation at Stein Plastic Surgery?

At Stein Plastic Surgery, Dr. Stein adds volume and definition to your chin through silicone implants. During an easy-to-understand consultation, Dr. Stein discusses aesthetic goals, silicone type, size, and shape with patients. Once you decide on your implant, schedule a day for the procedure.

The surgery may take between 30 and 60 minutes under local anesthesia. An IV sedative is used to help you relax during the procedure. Dr. Stein makes a small incision on the crease under your chin to slip the implant over the jawbone. Once satisfied with the placement, Dr. Stein sutures the incision closed and applies the bandages.

You will be sent to a peaceful recovery room while Stein Plastic Surgery’s expert staff monitor your healing. After a few hours, a friend or family member can drive you home for recovery.


Raleigh Chin Augmentation

*Individual Results May Vary 

How Long is Recovery From a Chin Augmentation?

Some bruising, swelling, tenderness, and discomfort are expected during the first week of your recovery. Ice packs and pain medication can lessen recovery symptoms. Dr. Stein suggests sleeping and resting in an elevated position to help circulation. 

Complete recovery may take up to two weeks, but most patients can return to light activities in 4-7 days. Please refrain from any activity that could move your implant out of place for several weeks after your procedure. 

What Results Will I See With Chin Augmentation?

You may be surprised to discover how a chin implant can affect your overall appearance. Beyond an improved profile and lessened neck bulge, your nose may appear less dominant and your face more balanced. Many people believe they need a facelift when a simple chin augmentation resolves all their concerns. 

Chin Augmentation Consultations Available!

How Much Does Chin Augmentation Cost?

The cost of chin augmentation ranges between $2,000 and $4,000, depending on the practice location, type of implant, and your provider’s expertise. The price may also vary if you add other procedures such as a rhinoplasty, facelift, or liposuction. 

Stein Plastic Surgery provides affordable financing options to help you invest in your beauty and peace of mind with chin augmentation. 

Am I a Candidate for Chin Augmentation?

If you believe your profile can improve from a more prominent chin, you are most likely a good candidate for chin augmentation. Many people feel their facial features are unbalanced but are unsure of what it needs. A consultation with Dr. Stein is the best way to know if chin augmentation is the best option for you.

Dr. Stein provided excellent outcomes. The resulted look natural and are consistent with what was explained before the surgery. I recommend Dr. Stein to everyone.

Take the Next Step

Are you interested in chin augmentation? If you would like to schedule an in-person consultation, please fill out the form on this page or call (919) 261-7099 and one of our knowledgeable medical staff members at Stein Plastic Surgery will reach out to you promptly.

Stein Plastic Surgery is located in the Raleigh, Durham and Southeast, NC areas serving patients from around the nation.