Hyperpigmentation is an extremely common condition marked by patches of skin that darken due to an excess of melanin, which can darken further with sun exposure. While it’s usually harmless in terms of physical symptoms, it can lead to social or emotional discomfort, particularly if it’s located in a prominent position, like the face. Stein Plastic Surgery can treat hyperpigmentation with laser skin resurfacing, so you don’t have to be self-conscious anymore.

Raleigh Laser Resurfacing

*Individual Results May Vary 

What is Laser Resurfacing?

Sun damage, hormonal shifts, certain skin conditions like acne, and injuries can all be causes of hyperpigmentation. Laser resurfacing is one of the most popular treatment methods available, and Dr. Stein specializes in MicroLaserPeel®, which makes it possible to achieve dramatic results in only 3-4 days’ downtime rather than 3 weeks. He uses the Erbium Sciton Laser, which precisely removes the topmost layer of the skin to improve skin’s color, tone, and texture. This laser can reverse sun damage, reduce wrinkles, diminish acne scars, and brighten age and hyperpigmentation spots. By removing the damaged layer of skin, Dr. Stein breaks up clusters of excess melanin and stimulates your body’s natural healing process, so you’re left with new, healthy skin and a bright, clear complexion.

Am I a Good Candidate?

Ideal candidates are patients with light to medium skin tones, typically 1-3 on the Fitzpatrick scale, who have realistic expectations for the outcome of laser resurfacing. Get started with a consultation with Dr. Stein to see if laser resurfacing treatment can help with your hyperpigmentation.

What is the Procedure Like?

All our laser treatments are performed in the comfort of our offices and we offer our patients the additional comfort of topical anesthetic to ensure minimal pain. Dr. Stein may even recommend oral sedation if your treatment requires deeper ablation. Your skin will be reddened and you’ll experience some peeling in the days afterward. With the MicroLaserPeel®, the redness will fade by day 3, and you can easily cover any more visible side effects with makeup by day 4.

Hyperpigmentation Consultations Available!

What is Recovery Like?

Because the Erbium Sciton Laser is non-fractionated, the recovery time is measured in days rather than weeks, like with fractionated lasers. We often refer to Erbium Sciton Laser treatments as the “Weekend Skin Peel,” because many of our patients opt to schedule it on a Thursday or Friday to be ready for work by Monday. There may be some tenderness, redness, and peeling in the 3-4 days after your treatment, but the MicroLaserPeel® technique ensures a faster recovery time than traditional ablative laser treatments.

What Results Can I Expect?

You’ll see immediate improvement in the texture and smoothness of your skin. The treatment reveals the radiance that was hidden beneath that top layer of dull, damaged, and dead skin cells. While the peeling process may require some social downtime, when that phase is concluded, you’ll have continued improvement and enjoy the results for as long as six months.

Dr. Stein personally conducts most of his non-surgical treatments, including laser resurfacing, to ensure the superior quality of care that can only be provided by Stein Plastic Surgery. Each consultation is a thorough evaluation of your goals, your skin’s condition, and a comprehensive, customized plan for treatment is created in partnership with every patient. You’re in good hands with Stein Plastic Surgery.

“Simply stated in one word… Amazing!!! I was a little unsure at first and kept an open mind, but now I can honestly say I am extremely pleased and happy with my results. And the best thing is it just keeps getting better the more time that passes. — As a side note, let me just say…. The staff is also great!! Overall, a fantastic experience. I highly recommend Stein Plastic Surgery.” *

Take the Next Step

Ready to learn more about laser resurfacing? Schedule a consultation with Dr. Stein at Stein Plastic Surgery based in Raleigh, NC today! Simply fill out the form on this page or give us a call at (919) 261-7099.

 *Individual results may vary.