Plenty of myths surround plastic surgery: it’s only for vain people, it promotes unhealthy beauty standards, or the results are unnatural or frozen. Nothing could be further from the truth. Plastic surgery enhances overall health by improving physical concerns that reduce a patient’s quality of life. Dr. Adam Stein is a facial plastic surgery specialist with two board certifications and a passion for improving his patients’ self-esteem, mental health, physical function, and general well-being.

Facelift Raleigh

*Individual Results May Vary 

What is Plastic Surgery?

People from all walks of life seek plastic surgery. While some pursue a more pleasing appearance, many Stein Plastic Surgery patients want to feel better about themselves. Some concerns revolve around the aftermath of trauma; others may be caused by genetics or disease. Plastic and reconstructive surgery can alleviate mental distress wrought by physical irregularities that detract from the patient’s appearance.

Am I a Good Candidate for Plastic Surgery?

Today’s incredible medical advancements and technologies help plastic surgery redefine how patients see themselves. Many of Dr. Stein’s patients consider their procedures among the best decisions they’ve ever made. Ideal candidates are those in general good health who understand the enhancements cosmetic medicine offers while maintaining realistic expectations about their final outcomes. If a physical feature causes you emotional distress or anxiety, perhaps Stein Plastic Surgery can help you restore your confidence and bring you joy in your appearance.

Benefits of Plastic Surgery

Improved Self-Confidence 

There’s nothing vain in feeling positive about your appearance. Studies have proven confident people show greater engagement with their social and professional relationships, more willingness to try new things, and they don’t hold back living to the fullest. While simply looking good cannot guarantee a carefree, happy life, it can help you believe more in yourself.

Enhanced Mental Health 

People self-conscious about a feature of their appearance often minimize their engagement levels to avoid calling attention to themselves. Cosmetic procedures remove the anxiety, inspiring people to become more involved with their environment. A facelift recipient will be more likely to smile for photos, try a new style, and participate in social activities. Dr. Stein’s patients report feeling more in control of their lives, which breathes new life into their enjoyment of their circumstances.

Better Physical Health 

A patient undergoing rhinoplasty may breathe better as well as look better. Exercise is easier, resulting in a better fitness level and more enjoyment of the outdoors. Patients who have an eyelid lift may see better and experience less fatigue at the end of the day without the eye strain and weight of excess skin on the eyes. Suddenly, evenings are more social, improving relationships and possibilities for entertainment.

Plastic Surgery Consultations Available!

Improved Weight Control 

Patients who feel better about themselves and their appearance generally lead a more active lifestyle and maintain a healthy diet and exercise regimen. This reduces the overall risks of disease. When the body and mind are in balance, it’s easier to avoid developing bad habits like overeating or eating for comfort rather than nutrition.

Growth Opportunities Increase 

People with greater confidence are perceived as more competent professionally, and they garner more trust from colleagues and clients. This opens doors for opportunities that may not be presented to patients who exhibit self-doubt and lack of confidence.

Plastic Surgery Summary

Plastic surgery delves deeper than simple appearances. It has the potential to enhance aspects of our mental health that define who we are and how good we feel inside. When we look good, we feel good, and feeling good is fundamental to our overall quality of life. With Dr. Stein and Stein Plastic Surgery, you can achieve levels of self-confidence and emotional balance that may not be possible any other way.

“I was referred to Dr Stine by an anesthetist and I’m so happy with the process and results. Dr. Stine was so responsive and supportive post op answering if this or that was normal. I feel the results are natural and becoming.” *

Take the Next Step

Ready to learn more about plastic surgery? Schedule a consultation with Dr. Stein at Stein Plastic Surgery based in Raleigh, NC today! Simply fill out the form on this page or give us a call at (919) 261-7099.

*Individual results may vary.